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Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Thanks to the creative Classical Music

| Sabtu, 14 April 2012
Music is not just a matter of entertainment to pamper your ear. The strains of lilting voice that can be used to stimulate the fetus so that the child would become intelligent and creative. Even the music can be used to turn breech baby back to its normal position.

Compared with the average child his age, son of Mrs.. Ir. Catharina (30) is much better.When the two-month-old son was able to laugh out loud. At 3.5 months of age, his grandfather was able to remove the glasses. In fact, when she stepped on the four months, was able to shake hands. All of it was not without cause. When pregnant, Ny. Catharina remember the story of his parents that classical music works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart could create the right hemisphere of the brain development of

fetuses in the womb the better thereby enhancing the ability of the child's affective. From there he then tried to always listen to classical music. On the way to his office, music that feels heavy for many people it continues flowing from the tapes in his car. For him to listen to classical music is not a tedious activity especially strange because he happened to classical music lovers.He even entertained in the middle of traffic jams of the capital.

Both hemispheres have to draw Listening to classical music is actually part of some of the stimulation that is usually given by the pregnant mother to fetus in the womb. So says Prof.Dr. Utami Munandar in the seminar "The Effect of Listening to Classical Music on Fetus and Pregnancy", in Jakarta, last November. According to the professor of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, the physical stimulation include stimulation-motor with a "pet" baby through the mother's abdominal skin, cognitive stimulation by talking and telling stories to the fetus, and affective stimulation by touching the baby. The more frequent and regular stimulation is given, the more effective influence.

In the fetus, the music will stimulate the development of brain cells. Stimulation is very important because the brain growth is most rapid from the beginning of pregnancy until the baby was three years old. However, according to dr. Jimmy Passat, a neurologist from the Faculty of medicine-RSCM, and Isye Widodo, S.Psi, coordinator of the Parent Education Program Expectations We RSAB, Jakarta, this intervention should be balanced. Parents should not only stimulate the left brain abilities, but also the right brain. By experts, the organ of mind control, speech, and emotions are indeed divided into two hemispheres, left and right, with different functions. The right brain is associated with the development of artistic and creative, feeling, style, music, imagination, daydreaming, color, recognition of self and others, socialization, and personality development. While the left brain is the place to perform academic functions such as read-write-count, memory (name, time, and events), logic, and analysis.

Therefore, when the stimulation performed in a balanced way, it is expected that children born later not only have good academic skills but also creative. If he's good at math, he was also able to speak, write, and write well. However, for pregnant women, the music - especially classical - can be freed from the stress of pregnancy. It's very good because, according to dr. Suharwan Hadisudarmo Sp.OG. MMR, stress is not managed properly, it would be bad for the mother in question and the development of the fetus in her womb.Stress in pregnant women increases the levels of renin angiotensin system, which is already elevated in pregnant women that will reduce the circulation of the uterus-placenta-fetus. Decreased blood flow causes the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is reduced. Fetal development was retarded. These kinds of barriers can be eliminated or reduced if the mother is listening to classical music, especially Mozart. Indeed, not every pregnant mother loved classical music. However, if listened to repeatedly until memorized, it would seem lies the beauty of classical music. The beauty and tranquility of classical music is what makes it special. Just 30 minutes a day may be all kinds of music, from traditional to modern, may also be used for the same. However, until now that has been researched and demonstrated positive results of new classical music, especially Mozart.Type of music has proved effective in stimulating the development of the right hemisphere of the brain of the fetus. According to Suzuki (1987), as quoted Utami, when the child is raised in an atmosphere of Mozart's music from an early age, the soul of Mozart's loving will grow well in himself. Hear the strains of soothing music, the fetal heart beat calmly as well. In fact, after the birth of classical music also gives good effects for the baby. Just for example, as given Utami, a three-month-old baby, who from birth is often played classical music, was able to move his body in accordance with the rhythm.

ika rhythm more quickly toward a climax, the movement is more rapid and active baby, and when the music stops he showed displeasure. Meanwhile to stimulate the left hemisphere is responsible for academic ability, plus Isye, music with lyrics that educate shown to good effect. "I use the songs the children of Indonesia. That is my own experiment. Well, I've used over the intervention proved of no use. Babies who are born, when she was two years, it has the capability of communication such as passive and active four-year-olds. As another example, a three-month-old infants are generally no signs of removing the words 'ae-o'. But a baby who, while still in the womb, music therapy was able to get the words out, the language skills more quickly, "he said. Isye also stated, children's songs are selected for adequate therapy two or three songs. Poetry music that songs such as the creation of children's mother or mother Mattress Sud. According to him, Pelangi, Pelangi is the most preferred song. "At the end of the song 'There's poetry' ... God's creation '. So since the fetus, the potential of children are already familiar with the word of God, "he explained. Stimulation of fetal brain development can be done since the age of gestation 18-20 weeks.

by Harold I. Kaplan, Benjamin J. Sadock, and Jack A. Grebb, at the age of the fetus can hear. He also was able to react to the sound by giving the response of muscle contraction, movement, and changes in heart rate. In fact, at that age the mental development of the fetus can be affected emotionally to music. Listening can be done anywhere. However, for therapeutic purposes should be done in a special place for therapy and guided by experts."In place of this therapy will create an atmosphere of togetherness. By being together, they can exchange experiences and so on,
so in the face of their mental labor is good preparation and confidence is good, "said Isye.In addition, pregnant women were also encouraged to listen to music at home on a regular basis. In music therapy, pregnant women must be going through the stages of physical relaxation and mental stimulation before entering the stage of the fetus. "To achieve my physical relaxation in which the progressive relaxation of mothers loosen and tighten the muscles, regulate breathing and so on. After physical relaxation, mental relaxation into the new.

In mental relaxation, I say the words that are suggestion and strengthen. So they are physically relaxed, and I brought them into the atmosphere where they can forget about all the conflicts that they felt before. They only concentrate for therapy. When given instructions for relaxation, played music that can evoke feelings of relaxation. After that, just enter the stimulation to the fetus, "explains psychologist who deepen music therapy in Germany. The time required for therapy about 30 minutes, for relaxation (10-15 minutes), and stimulation (15-20 minutes). At home, the length of listening to music that is recommended for pregnant women is about 30 minutes each day. Instead, when listening to the loudspeaker distance of about 50 cm from the stomach. The mother can do it in a state of rest or active like reading or doing gymnastics pregnant. To obtain the benefits of listening to music, pregnant women are encouraged to listen with rapt attention and awareness. Music should have the opportunity to penetrate into the mind. Thus, sound, harmony, and rhythm of music can encourage someone to passionate, creative, and fun. For those not accustomed to listening to classical music, you should start by learning to enjoy classical music composed by Johann Strauss mild range. Once accustomed to be tried by a more severe and is known as spin WA Mozart, Fredric Chopin, and Ludwig van Beethoven. Next try a complete musical composition, such as concert or symphony. The unique rotating breech fetus, stimulation of classical music can also be used to rotate the breech fetus to be normal. According to dr. Ronald David, SpOG, an obstetrics and diseases of the content of the Faculty of Medicine Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, some kind of baroque music creation Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach, is now used in Canada in an effort to turn a breech fetal position since the age of 32-35 weeks. Efforts to play the original location of the fetus is done only through the exercise (postural exercise) with the breech tilt position (lying down with the bottom supported by three pillows is about 30 cm from the floor and knees bent), which was first introduced by Marianne BW in 1983. Or, by way of visualization (changing the position of the fetus with mental abilities). In 1987 Penny Simkin P.T. perfect way to combine gymnastics gymnastics and music. In combining gymnastics and classical music, gymnastics the breech tilt position or knee chest (the chest menungging attached to the floor) is the same. "However, the breech tilt position caused more complaints in pregnant women. Therefore, we recommend to choose a knee chest position, "said dr. Ronald. In that position coupled with the gravitational force, the fetal head will fall to the fundus uteri. The force of gravity which causes persistent fetal head is more flexible so that the chin touches the chest of the fetus. Weight as well as suppression by fetal own efforts to find classical music sound more clear that the rotation causes the location of latitude and later became the location of the head. To this end, pregnant women need a medical examination and ultrasound examination beforehand to determine the location of the placenta.

Of the results can be known whether or not the woman to do gymnastics, combined with music therapy to change the position of the fetus. If OK, exercise can begin. The exercise began on gestational age 32-36 weeks. Should choose a quiet place and free of noise.The frequency of three times a day, each 10-15 minutes. Exercises should be performed when the fetus is active and the mother's stomach is empty. When training a pair of earphones affixed to the lower abdomen, where the fetal head is expected to be in, with the help of tape or other adhesive. Several studies have shown, baroque classical music (Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart) better than the kind of romantic (Chopin, Debussy, Beethoven).Round rock even disturbing the fetus. The mind should imagine the fetus rotates in the direction expected. When the head was hot, dizziness, nausea, exercise was stopped and repeated the next day. After two weeks of training, necessary medical examination to determine its success. If not successful, should be continued for a further two-week long exercise with about 30 minutes. "The key to the success of exercises that combine classical music to play the baby depends on mother's motivation to do it," said dr. David.While the factors that caused the failure of turnover among breech frank breech position, coil cord, placenta comu uterine inertia in the face with the face of the fetus, and deformity uteris (bicomis, subseptus).

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